mardi 24 novembre 2009

Appel aux dons de GLA

La directrice de Gla Dixie a fait un appel aux dons d'urgence. Si vous voulez y participez suivez cette procédure :

Préparer votre chèque à l'ordre de ID enfants d'Haiti , en utilisant le bon
suivant ( Collé en fin de message pour plus de facilité)

- vous pouvez adresser votre bulletin à aGLAé qui centralisera les chèques et
les adressera en un envoi unique à ID à l'adresse suivante :
Catherine GENEYTON
21 avenue des NOBLES

Votre don à ID - Enfants d'Haïti

M.  Mme  Melle
Prénom : _______________________________ Nom :__ ______________________________
Adresse : ____________________________________________________________________
Mél. : __________________________________

Je fais un don à GLA – God's Littlest Angels

montant : ________ €
par chèque à l'ordre de ID - Enfants d'Haïti.
Vous pourrez déduire 66 % de votre don de votre prochain impôt sur le revenu. Un
reçu fiscal vous sera adressé en fin
d'année à cet effet.

Voici le message de Dixie :
Dear Friends, Supporters, and Forever Families,

We need your help. Financially, GLA is having problems meeting our expenses in
Haiti. I have asked my staff to stop taking in additional children for now
unless they are sick or abandoned. We have sent home several children since the
summer time. I am trying to get the number of children at GLA down so that we
can better manage them on the funds that are coming in. The economic conditions
in the USA especially, have affected the donations coming in to help the
children. Our donations this year are down almost $500,000 from 2008. That is
a big difference!

John and I are in the USA today speaking to churches and groups about GLA and
the needs we have in Haiti. We spent seven days in Canada trying to raise
awareness about God's Littlest Angels and the work being done in Haiti. We are
leaving next week for two weeks traveling throughout Illinois visiting churches.

We are making changes in Haiti to trim down our expenses in every way we can.
But we are in crisis right now and we need help. Those of you who know me, know
that I do not panic easily, but I am panicked right now!

Please would you consider sending in a donation today to help? If you were
thinking of sending in a donation for Christmas, we desperately need it now. If
you still owe adoption funds, please, you could help us by sending them now.

God put us in Haiti to take care of the sick, malnourished, abandoned,
premature, and orphaned children. John and I have spent more than 18 years of
our lives caring for the children. If you are unable to send a gift to help the
children at this time, you can still help by joining us in prayer for GLA
finances to improve and for the children and all of us to get through this

And life in Haiti goes on...

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